Local Support Groups:
- Northamptonshire Carers
- Daventry Carers Café - meets on the first Thursday of the month between 10.30am-12.30pm at the Holy Cross Church Hall.
Useful Numbers:
- Adult Care Team (Social Services) – 0300 126 7000 – over 65 - 01604 363356 under 65 01604 365388
- Age UK (Cleaning, Toenail cutting, Befriending service, Handyperson scheme) – 01604 611200
- Citizens Advice Bureau (Debt and benefits specialists, help with mental health issues and disabilities) – 01327 701646
- Occupational Health (Equipment and adaptation in your home) – 0300 126 3000
- Cruse (Bereavement support) – 07772 428532
- DACT (Transport) – 01327 701665
- Daventry Leisure Centre/Everyone Active (Swimming lessons, gym, exercise classes, GP referral) – 01327 871144
- Daventry Volunteer Centre (help with shopping, picking up prescriptions, activity groups, befriending service) – 01327 300614
- Diabetes UK (Guide regarding Diabetes type 1 & 2) – 0345 123 2399
- District Nurses (services for housebound patients) – 0300 777 0002
- IAPT/Changing Minds (talking therapies for wellbeing) – 0300 999 161
- Macmillan Support (for patients with cancer) – 0808 808 0000
- MIND – Crisis Café – 01327 879416
- Northamptonshire Carers Support Line (a service for formal and informal carers) – 019330 677907
- Reach for Health – 01327 871118
- Tell Us Once (a service who will contact all government & local council departments, to notify of death) – 08000 857308